
Step 1 - Visit Homepage

Step 2 - Create an Account on InvtAI

To create an account on InvtAI, follow the step-by-step guide below:

Step 1: Access the Website

  • Open your web browser and go to the homepage of InvtAI.

  • Alternatively, you can directly visit the registration page by entering the URL: https://app.invt.ai

Step 2: Choose Registration Method

  • On registration page, you will see options to sign up with either your email or Google authentication (Gmail).

For Email Registration:

  • Fill in the required fields, which typically include your name, email address, and a password of your choice.

  • Make sure to choose a strong password that meets the specified requirements (e.g., minimum length, inclusion of special characters, etc.).

For Google Authentication (Gmail):

  • If you selected the Google authentication option, you will be redirected to a Google login page.

  • Enter your Gmail email address and password to proceed with the registration.

Step 3: Access Your Account

  • After successfully registering, you will be redirected to your newly created account on InvtAI.

  • Explore the various features and functionalities available to you as a registered user.

Last updated